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1 Match(es) found

Edward James Olmos

Main Cause(s): human rights
Keyword(s): institutional reform
Movies In: American Me,The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, Blade Runner, The Burning Season , Caught, Family / La Familia (TV Series), Miami Vice (TV series), The Road to El Dorado,Selena, Stand and Deliver, Twelve Angry Men,Triumph of the Spirit, The West Wing (TV series), Wolfen, Zoot Suit (Tony award winning play),
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Submitted by: Johanna McCloy
Activism bio (charitable work)
Edward James Olmos has been so noteworthy for his passionate activism, that it would take several paragraphs alone to list the numerous public awards and honorable mentions he's received for his work. He speaks at over 150 colleges, charities and juvenile institutions every year on the subjects of diversity and non-violence. He has focused largely on gangs and teen violence in the Hispanic communities, and was prominently visible after the Los Angeles riots in 1991, cleaning up the ravaged communities and working to appease the mistrust and anger existing between community members and city officials. He also co-wrote a book entitled "Americanos'" about Latinos in America and launched the first Latino Film Festival. Most recently, Mr. Olmos participated with noted environmental lawyer, Robert Kennedy, Jr., in protests against the U.S. Navy's test bombing in the waters outside of Puerto Rico, for which they were both arrested.

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